News - French government's "water plan": s...

French government's "water plan": supervision at the service of communities

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With the beginning of 2023 marked by little rainfall in France, attention is focused on the measures presented by the government to preserve water resources. How can supervision improve the efficiency of drinking water networks?

While water stress threatens some French municipalities, the President of the Republic announced last week his "Water Plan" based on five major axes: 

  • Include sobriety in all uses and in the long term,
  • Plan water use and support the transformation of high-consumption sectors,
  • Introduce progressive and incentive-based water pricing,
  • Invest heavily in wastewater reuse,
  • Fight against leaks and modernize our network.

And to help with the latter, Emmanuel Macron has announced the release of a budget of "180 million euros to treat as a priority 2,000 fragile municipalities, those in the most critical situations, as well as what have been called the 170 black spots that have been identified, i.e. municipalities that lose more than 50% of their water. A real financial boost for these communities. 

Leak detection: a solution for maintaining or improving the efficiency of the drinking water network

Under pressure from public opinion - almost one French person in two (47%) is in favour of repairing pipes to reduce the waste caused by water leaks* - and under the impetus of the Grenelle 2 law and its application decree of 27 January 2012, local authorities have invested and continue to invest in reducing water losses in their drinking water distribution network. There are two complementary options for improving their efficiency: to know their network well in order to anticipate its renewal (preventive actions) and/or to detect leaks as soon as possible in order to repair them (curative actions). It is on this last point that the Topkapi supervision solution intervenes.

The objective of supervision is to provide synthetic global views of the network with relevant diagnostic indicators allowing a reactive analysis. Within the framework of sectorization, Topkapi collects flow data at different points strategically spread over a drinking water distribution network. It then automatically analyses this data in real time to produce immediately interpretable indicators: night-time flow calculation (to identify abnormal night-time flows) with associated alarms and calculation of the linear loss index (to compare sub-sectors with each other and prioritize actions). The data collection and processing capabilities offered by the Topkapi monitoring solution fully meet the challenges of sectorization and therefore early leak detection.


*According to a survey conducted by Ipsos in 2022