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Hardware and environment specifications
Hardware and environment specifications
Discover all our recommendations for the choice of your hardware architectures and environment for the proper functioning of your Topkapi applications.
Topkapi: hardware and environment specifications
In order to guide you in the choice of your hardware architecture and environment for the proper functioning of the Topkapi supervision solution, AREAL presents its recommendations and specifications. Please note that they concern versions 6.0 and 6.1 of the software.
As hardware and systems are constantly evolving, we do our utmost to gather and keep all useful and necessary information up to date. However, AREAL declines all responsibility in the event of any error, lack of precision or inaccuracy in this note. Your satisfaction being our priority, we will systematically endeavour to provide assistance to any user encountering difficulties and requesting our assistance.
As hardware and systems are constantly evolving, we do our utmost to gather and keep all useful and necessary information up to date. However, AREAL declines all responsibility in the event of any error, lack of precision or inaccuracy in this note. Your satisfaction being our priority, we will systematically endeavour to provide assistance to any user encountering difficulties and requesting our assistance.
Special features
Important to notice
The Webserv2 module (available from version 6.0) requires a 64-bit Windows OS to run. For more than 5 simultaneous connections it is necessary to use a Windows Server OS (2016 or 2019).
Activation of DataBase mode (available from version 6.0) requires the server license to be installed on a 64-bit Windows OS.
The dematerialization of the protection of a license (available from version 6.0) requires the Internet connection of the Topkapi license to a Web server hosted by AREAL for a periodic activation check. Communication is always initiated by the license via a secure https port.
Central processing unit
Central processing unit recommendations
Intel Core I5 processor or equivalent
8 Gb minimum, 12 Gb recommended for Windows 10 / Windows 2016 Server / Windows 2019 Server / Windows 11.
Hard Disk Drive:
Size according to the amount of data to be stored. Usually, the hard disks delivered along with standard PCs are adequate. For more details, see at the end of this document.
An SSD disk is recommended for applications with hot backup or where data storage flows are high.
Vidéo :
All Windows Resolutions.
In the event of use of multi-screens boards, we recommend to increase the RAM memory (for example 4 screens boards 1280x1024).
Try to seek a homogeneous resolution preferably, choosing the same as existing applications used in the company. Also take in account capacities of the stations likely to be connected (for example on-duty portable PCs).
Topkapi uses mainly the sound to announce the appearance of faults. If you wish to exploit this possibility, it is generally insufficient to rely only on the loudspeaker, of very low power, incorporated in the PC. You should consider adding a Sound board and separate speakers, separated or attached to the Display.
The sound signal is produced on the station which treats the application as well as on all the client stations used for control. It is possible to choose the stations on which the sound signal will be played.
Operating system
Details of the operating systems supported by Topkapi
Topkapi runs under Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2016 Server and Windows 2019 server.
More details with the dedicated data sheet -> Here
Topkapi also runs under virtual environments such as Microsoft Virtual Server 2007 / Hyper-V or VMware.
The use of a 64-bit Windows OS is required when using the Webserv2 module and/or Database mode (requires version 6.0 of Topkapi or higher).
Recommendations on networks
TCP-IP required: Topkapi in its client (fat)/server network operation, uses the TCP-IP protocol and relies on any type of network using this protocol.
Sharing of unnecessary resources. When a Topkapi fat client wants to view the application of a server, a copy of this application must reside on a local disk of the client workstation.
The disk or directory of the Topkapi application on the server does not need to be network shared.
Firewalls, roads and supported passengers:
There are no obstacles for Topkapi to use on the network of firewalls, routers and other gateways. Note only that Topkapi uses TCP port 700, 832 or 833 in the case of the Webserv2 module, and that this number must be correctly processed (no blocking) for the network equipment.
The structure of Topkapi (local copy of the server application on a thick client with automatic update, optimised exchanges) allows :
- Low bandwidth mobilisation on high-speed networks.
- Good user comfort with low speed links (VPN, WAN, etc.).
Important: Software compression must be possible to achieve the best performance, not through modems, but through network access services. This is the case for Windows RAS services, but this should be checked e.g. for routers, ISDN modems, etc. connected directly to the network.
Topkapi is based on Windows RAS (Remote Access Service) services for remote client/server exchanges by PSTN or GSM telephone link.
The TS version of Topkapi (TS Client) is based on Microsoft's Terminal Server / RDP technology and therefore requires the use of Windows 2016 Server or Windows 2019 Server, for the Topkapi central server workstation.
Using Windows 2016 Server / 2019 Server / 10 Pro.
The volume of information exchanged between two redundant stations, main and backup, can be high. Use links at at least 10 Mbps (we recommend 100 Mbps; except in special cases: consult us).
Please contact us if you have in doubts about the redundant communication architecture.
Communication peripherals
Communication peripherals with Topkapi
Use boards guaranteed to be fully compatible with Windows. Addresses are published on the site of AREAL.
Addresses can be found on our supplier page -> Here
The choice of the modems usable depends on the connected remote controllers (immunity with the noise, attenuation, special modulations). AREAL recommends modems ERCOGENER GE 934 for PSTN communications or ERCOGENER GenPro 325e for GSM data / 2G and GenPro 400e (S0628A) for 4G communications, which offers the best characteristics of adaptation and reliability, in particular for the brands Perax, Sofrel, Wit. You can also consult the RTU's manufacturer (in particular according to the countries) and consult AREAL if modems ERCOGENER do not seem suitable with your particular case.
To send direct SMS messages with Topkapi, and enable acknowledgement by reply SMS messages, use GSM Modem ERCOGENER GenPro 325e or GenPro 400e (S0628A).
You are recommended not to use USB modems: any computer restart can result in unexpected serial port number change.
For voice synthesis you can use either an ERCOGENER GenPac 92c PSTN modem (See Hardware Partners - requires a Topkapi V6 or higher version) or the direct interfacing with a PBX compatible SIP (requires a Topkapi V6.1 or higher version) . For a use out of the French territory, please contact the supplier to ensure of approvals in the country concerned.
Printing devices
Recommendations according to the type of printing
The events printer is intended to produce a continuous printout of the events. It consequently is strongly disadvised using a common printer for the events printing on the one hand, and the other printouts (TOPKAPI or other Windows applications) on the other hand.
Dot-matrix printers with continuous paper traction recommended:
- Continuity of the journal
- The impact printing constitutes a sound signal which draws the attention of the operator.
- Printers of mark EPSON recommended (LX300 for example): the default control strings of TOPKAPI are suited to these printer. In the absence of EPSON, make sure that you have the detailed documentation of the control strings of the printer to adjust parameter setting TOPKAPI controls the events printer directly; this one should not be installed like a Windows printer and should not be on USB port).
Port of impression:
- Parallel port
- USB port by network sharing
Up to 3 events printers supported. If a printer is not connected directly to the PC, it must be shared by Windows.
The printout other than the events printing relate to the printing of histories, curves, reports, screen shots as well as any printing requested by applications other than Topkapi.
All the printers installed under Windows can be used.
For the automatic printouts, only the printer declared in Topkapi like default printer can be used. The parameters of page-setting for the automatic printout are identical for all the documents to be printed.
Backup peripherals
Safeguard recommendations
A safeguard of the application is recommended after each modifications of configuration.
According to the needs for exploitation (traceability), a periodic safeguard of the log files could be necessary. Topkapi has the tools allowing these safeguards.
The periodicity and the automation of the tasks, as well as volumes of data, must determine the type of peripheral of safeguard to use:
- External hard disk,
- NAS Server,
- Etc.
Do not neglect the possibilities offered by the safeguards on the hard disk of another PC in network, or on a second hard disk of the PC lodging Topkapi.
Details - Hard disk size
Recommendations for the size of the hard disk
Count in addition to space necessary for Windows:
- Approximately 1Gb for Topkapi's executable and library files.
- Approximately 2 Gb if you wish to install the application of demonstration delivered with this Topkapi.
- From 40 Mb to 1 Gb for the configuration of the Topkapi application. The most significant volume lays in the graphic background pictures: the approximative size of a JPG 1024x768 pixels true colors picture is 400 kb, that is to say 40 Mb for 100 mimic pages.
Dimension your historical files:
- The size of the historical files is fixed at the configuration in a number of records. The period covered depends on the average frequency of the recordings.
- 250 bytes per record of the type event ( alarms, events printing, etc...), i.e. 2,4 Mb for a 10 000 records log file. Up to 256 history groups and up to 1 million records per group.
- 10 bytes per sample for the values to sample periodically (graphs, *.DT files).
- By way of example, 400 analogical values stored every fifteen minutes during 5 years represent a disc volume of 850 Mb.
- Up to 20 Gb are occupied when Database mode is activated (available since version 6.0).
Special features
Important to notice
The Webserv2 module (available from version 6.0) requires a 64-bit Windows OS to run. For more than 5 simultaneous connections it is necessary to use a Windows Server OS (2016 or 2019).
Activation of DataBase mode (available from version 6.0) requires the server license to be installed on a 64-bit Windows OS.
The dematerialization of the protection of a license (available from version 6.0) requires the Internet connection of the Topkapi license to a Web server hosted by AREAL for a periodic activation check. Communication is always initiated by the license via a secure https port.
Central processing unit
Central processing unit recommendations
Intel Core I5 processor or equivalent
8 Gb minimum, 12 Gb recommended for Windows 10 / Windows 2016 Server / Windows 2019 Server / Windows 11.
Hard Disk Drive:
Size according to the amount of data to be stored. Usually, the hard disks delivered along with standard PCs are adequate. For more details, see at the end of this document.
An SSD disk is recommended for applications with hot backup or where data storage flows are high.
Vidéo :
All Windows Resolutions.
In the event of use of multi-screens boards, we recommend to increase the RAM memory (for example 4 screens boards 1280x1024).
Try to seek a homogeneous resolution preferably, choosing the same as existing applications used in the company. Also take in account capacities of the stations likely to be connected (for example on-duty portable PCs).
Topkapi uses mainly the sound to announce the appearance of faults. If you wish to exploit this possibility, it is generally insufficient to rely only on the loudspeaker, of very low power, incorporated in the PC. You should consider adding a Sound board and separate speakers, separated or attached to the Display.
The sound signal is produced on the station which treats the application as well as on all the client stations used for control. It is possible to choose the stations on which the sound signal will be played.
Operating system
Details of the operating systems supported by Topkapi
Topkapi runs under Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2016 Server and Windows 2019 server.
More details with the dedicated data sheet -> Here
Topkapi also runs under virtual environments such as Microsoft Virtual Server 2007 / Hyper-V or VMware.
The use of a 64-bit Windows OS is required when using the Webserv2 module and/or Database mode (requires version 6.0 of Topkapi or higher).
Recommendations on networks
TCP-IP required: Topkapi in its client (fat)/server network operation, uses the TCP-IP protocol and relies on any type of network using this protocol.
Sharing of unnecessary resources. When a Topkapi fat client wants to view the application of a server, a copy of this application must reside on a local disk of the client workstation.
The disk or directory of the Topkapi application on the server does not need to be network shared.
Firewalls, roads and supported passengers:
There are no obstacles for Topkapi to use on the network of firewalls, routers and other gateways. Note only that Topkapi uses TCP port 700, 832 or 833 in the case of the Webserv2 module, and that this number must be correctly processed (no blocking) for the network equipment.
The structure of Topkapi (local copy of the server application on a thick client with automatic update, optimised exchanges) allows :
- Low bandwidth mobilisation on high-speed networks.
- Good user comfort with low speed links (VPN, WAN, etc.).
Important: Software compression must be possible to achieve the best performance, not through modems, but through network access services. This is the case for Windows RAS services, but this should be checked e.g. for routers, ISDN modems, etc. connected directly to the network.
Topkapi is based on Windows RAS (Remote Access Service) services for remote client/server exchanges by PSTN or GSM telephone link.
The TS version of Topkapi (TS Client) is based on Microsoft's Terminal Server / RDP technology and therefore requires the use of Windows 2016 Server or Windows 2019 Server, for the Topkapi central server workstation.
Using Windows 2016 Server / 2019 Server / 10 Pro.
The volume of information exchanged between two redundant stations, main and backup, can be high. Use links at at least 10 Mbps (we recommend 100 Mbps; except in special cases: consult us).
Please contact us if you have in doubts about the redundant communication architecture.
Communication peripherals
Communication peripherals with Topkapi
Use boards guaranteed to be fully compatible with Windows. Addresses are published on the site of AREAL.
Addresses can be found on our supplier page -> Here
The choice of the modems usable depends on the connected remote controllers (immunity with the noise, attenuation, special modulations). AREAL recommends modems ERCOGENER GE 934 for PSTN communications or ERCOGENER GenPro 325e for GSM data / 2G and GenPro 400e (S0628A) for 4G communications, which offers the best characteristics of adaptation and reliability, in particular for the brands Perax, Sofrel, Wit. You can also consult the RTU's manufacturer (in particular according to the countries) and consult AREAL if modems ERCOGENER do not seem suitable with your particular case.
To send direct SMS messages with Topkapi, and enable acknowledgement by reply SMS messages, use GSM Modem ERCOGENER GenPro 325e or GenPro 400e (S0628A).
You are recommended not to use USB modems: any computer restart can result in unexpected serial port number change.
For voice synthesis you can use either an ERCOGENER GenPac 92c PSTN modem (See Hardware Partners - requires a Topkapi V6 or higher version) or the direct interfacing with a PBX compatible SIP (requires a Topkapi V6.1 or higher version) . For a use out of the French territory, please contact the supplier to ensure of approvals in the country concerned.
Printing devices
Recommendations according to the type of printing
The events printer is intended to produce a continuous printout of the events. It consequently is strongly disadvised using a common printer for the events printing on the one hand, and the other printouts (TOPKAPI or other Windows applications) on the other hand.
Dot-matrix printers with continuous paper traction recommended:
- Continuity of the journal
- The impact printing constitutes a sound signal which draws the attention of the operator.
- Printers of mark EPSON recommended (LX300 for example): the default control strings of TOPKAPI are suited to these printer. In the absence of EPSON, make sure that you have the detailed documentation of the control strings of the printer to adjust parameter setting TOPKAPI controls the events printer directly; this one should not be installed like a Windows printer and should not be on USB port).
Port of impression:
- Parallel port
- USB port by network sharing
Up to 3 events printers supported. If a printer is not connected directly to the PC, it must be shared by Windows.
The printout other than the events printing relate to the printing of histories, curves, reports, screen shots as well as any printing requested by applications other than Topkapi.
All the printers installed under Windows can be used.
For the automatic printouts, only the printer declared in Topkapi like default printer can be used. The parameters of page-setting for the automatic printout are identical for all the documents to be printed.
Backup peripherals
Safeguard recommendations
A safeguard of the application is recommended after each modifications of configuration.
According to the needs for exploitation (traceability), a periodic safeguard of the log files could be necessary. Topkapi has the tools allowing these safeguards.
The periodicity and the automation of the tasks, as well as volumes of data, must determine the type of peripheral of safeguard to use:
- External hard disk,
- NAS Server,
- Etc.
Do not neglect the possibilities offered by the safeguards on the hard disk of another PC in network, or on a second hard disk of the PC lodging Topkapi.
Details - Hard disk size
Recommendations for the size of the hard disk
Count in addition to space necessary for Windows:
- Approximately 1Gb for Topkapi's executable and library files.
- Approximately 2 Gb if you wish to install the application of demonstration delivered with this Topkapi.
- From 40 Mb to 1 Gb for the configuration of the Topkapi application. The most significant volume lays in the graphic background pictures: the approximative size of a JPG 1024x768 pixels true colors picture is 400 kb, that is to say 40 Mb for 100 mimic pages.
Dimension your historical files:
- The size of the historical files is fixed at the configuration in a number of records. The period covered depends on the average frequency of the recordings.
- 250 bytes per record of the type event ( alarms, events printing, etc...), i.e. 2,4 Mb for a 10 000 records log file. Up to 256 history groups and up to 1 million records per group.
- 10 bytes per sample for the values to sample periodically (graphs, *.DT files).
- By way of example, 400 analogical values stored every fifteen minutes during 5 years represent a disc volume of 850 Mb.
- Up to 20 Gb are occupied when Database mode is activated (available since version 6.0).
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